Friday, November 11, 2011

UNC and Veteran's Day

Since moving to North Carolina I have learned how important Carolina basketball is and tonight was a big night for Carolina basketball.  The NCAA basketball session kicked off tonight with UNC playing against Michigan State on an air craft carrier.  There's been a lot of talk about the game around campus and it was a beautiful site!

In honor of the game, I have a craft project to show off! I have a friend who is a fantastic artist and does beautiful work with TOMS (find her here at  I wanted something a little simpler so I tried myself and here are the results!

For those of you who don't know, the argyle is from the UNC basketball jerseys and their mascot is the TarHeels...hence the feet with a spot of tar on the heel.  I'm pretty happy with how they turned out but I'm a little afraid to wear them because I don't know how well they are going to wash...but we will see!